13 Moon Community by Eden Sky
"Our standard world calendar was first used to impose religious dominion over conquered peoples."
Life without clocks?…Unfathomable, like life without cars…or phones…or bills to pay. Yet 150 people from around the world lived this life in a seven week intensive during the closing months of the 20th century. In a socio-celestial experiment conducted by visionary author Jose Arguelles, a camp in the Chilean foothills of the Andes was converted into a universal community focused on restoring our human relationship with nature.
I had never clued into the fact that we are the only species to reference a mechanical device—the wristwatch—to steer our lives. All animals, including human ones, are telepathic, but it wasn’t until I read a magical article by Arguelles, describing our reliance on technology for orientation, that the clock was revealed as a block to inherent telepathic abilities.
As I began to study time, I discovered suppressed information about it. I told my mother how the power of 13, associated with the ways of woman and moon, had been denounced as evil and replaced by the power of 12. I told my sister how the Mayan calendar cycles of 13 and 20, symbolizing the movement and measure of the galaxy, are represented in our body’s 13 major joints and 20 toes and fingers. I told my father December 21, 2012 heralds the end of a 26,000 year homo sapien cycle, triggering the beginning of a new creation cycle.
History began to reveal itself, as did memories of an ancient future. Our standard world calendar was first used to impose religious dominion over conquered peoples. This artificial 12-month “Gregorian calendar,” named by Pope Gregory in 1582, holds no reverence for the cycles of nature, serving rather to support structures of commerce and taxation. It severs our essential connec-tion with the rhythms of the universe.
It is no surprise that the mechanical device, this heart of all machines—known as the clock—was perfected shortly after institutionalization of this false calendar, in the early 1600’s.
We have forgotten why calendars were originally created. Originally, they informed us about natural patterns which govern our existence. The moon passes 13 times through its phases in the course of a natural year (one earth cycle around the sun). Tides are timed by these passages, as are menstrual and fertility cycles. Aligning my worldly work with these truths eventually led me to self-publishing my own annual 13-Moon Calendar, now in its 5th year. It’s been a strange and wonderful career path.
Meet The Time Bandit Eventually my dedication led me to meet the Time-bandit himself, Dr. Jose Arguelles, at the Chilean “Earth Wizard Seminary” on the cusp of the millennium. Through full-spectrum mind-meld downloads, he covered topics such as: “Time as a Radial Matrix,” “Human Impact on the Biosphere—from Planetary Crisis to Planetary Awakening,” and “Moving from the Cosmic Unconscious to the Cosmic Conscious.” He wove a web of revelation, history, and inspiration, while periodically massaging a plastic model brain—symbolically relieving us of information-overload!
The focus of this Andean community experiment was to train people in the science, art, and spirituality of the Law of Time and the 13 Moon Calendar. Autono-mous self-development co-existed with abundant teamwork. As the sun rose each morning, a group of different people awakened the entire camp with unique sounds or songs. What became apparent is the calendar’s potent role in dissolving the artificial separation created by differences of language, religion, race, and age. The symbols and the vibrations worked as portals of understanding which are universally accessible. Beyond words, we learned through energies.
Participants in this work serve as a growing collective of consciousness, living free of the illusion “time is money,” and empowered to know “time is art.” Each moment is an opportunity for creative interaction with all that is.
To seal our seven week initiation, a final ceremony called forth each of us “Earth Wizards” by country to receive a peace flag—symbol of the vast work lying ahead as international representatives. When I placed my hands on the flag for the USA, shoulder to shoulder with my fellow ambassadors, I felt myself as a single, humble being, yet an essential, empowered part of the whole.
Eden Sky produces and distributes an annual 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar. She lives in a Farmhouse-Spaceship-By-the-Sea and can be contacted to order calendars, inquire about teachings, or for any other cosmic reason. (503) 293-6460.
You are welcome to energize our nation’s peace flag, now on display at the Planet Art Network Galactic Educational Gallery at 618 NW Flanders, Portland, Oregon.
If you desire to become an Earth Wizard, this program is now being offered as a seven day seminar, held in Portland, Oregon on Planetary Moon 22-28 (April 25-May 1, 2000.) For more information go to www.thirteenmoon.org or call Planet Art Network at (503) 219 9928.