Putting Campaign Finance Reform on the Ballot
by Lloyd Marber
If you are following recent election coverage, you know it is business as usual. Oregon’s gubernatorial race is setting another campaign spending record, with its million dollar primary candidates, enriched by corporate and big money contributors. Another example of how blatant this “legalized bribery” has become is in the 5/5/02, Sunday Oregonian article on “The price of Partisan Judges” where it is reported that the US Chamber of Commerce is taking an “active role” in judicial elections, having spent $10 million dollars alone in 2000, to help elect judges favorable to their corporate agenda. It is even acknowledged that this problem is not going away with the passage of McCain-Feingold/Shays-Meehan legislation into law, since the ban on soft money merely has donor groups looking for new outlets. Sadly Oregon is one of those outlets, with absolutely no limits on campaign contributions and expenditures.
Ask yourself: “Is this our democratic heritage, to sit back and watch elections continually sold to the highest bidder, while we salute the flag under a corporate nation for which it stands?” The answer to this question is up to you! We can idly sit by while integrity is surren-dered to the growing disillusionment of apathy, or we can take back democracy by circulating the “Money Is Not Democracy!” initiative petition to enact campaign finance reform.
To get the remaining 50,000 signatures we need by July 5th, Money is Not Democracy is paying $.75 a signature and providing bonuses for 2500 or more signatures turned in by July 2, 2000.
We appreciate all of your help. Enact Campaign Finance Reform by gathering signatures and making your financial contribution today!
"To free a nation from error is to enlighten the individual and it is only to the degree that an individual is receptive of the truth that a nation can be free from that vanity which ends in national ruin." —Homer Lee
Respectfully, Lloyd Marbet, Portland, Oregon 503-637-3549 • [email protected] • www.voters.net