Holistic Approaches To Conquering Dependency
Drug addiction blights lives, affecting countless millions of families worldwide. The scourge of drugs is all too familiar, and communities across the US reflect the scars of decades of drug misuse. Modern treatment approaches are becoming more effective, and rehabilitation is now delivering life-changing results for those caught in the drugs trap. Holistic approaches to the treatment of addiction recognize it as an illness, and seek to target the roots of the issues around addiction and drug dependency. A growing emphasis on treating, rather than criminalizing, drug users can lead to more effective outcomes. But only treatment methods that look to rebuild individuals and their stake in the community can hope to succeed over time. While recovery can be a difficult phase in many former addicts lives, it is a more than worthwhile journey to make. Drug addiction and dependency are not a choice. Individuals with addiction problems are often stigmatized, and many fail to realize the physical elements of addiction that trap those so affected. In earlier issues our contributors have explored the political aspects of the war on drugs and the effect on every patient. While decisions to use drugs at an earlier stage may have been conscious, the implications of addiction are much more serious. Those who find themselves battling drug addiction need and deserve a holistic approach to their treatment, to tackle both the symptoms and causes of their illness. In this article we take the opportunity to explore the routes out of addiction, and not just the role of drugs in society generally. Recovering from addiction requires a 360-degree treatment plan, aimed at targeting drug issues in the round. Social and mental health factors are often equally as important as the drug issues themselves, and it is rare for drug addiction to present as an issue in isolation. Abstinence based recovery can be effective, but patients need to be given the right treatment in parallel, ideally with the help of drug and alcohol treatment centers. Abstinence-based recovery can only work with the right support structures for the addict. Rehabilitation centers and clinics that offer round-the-clock care tend to be more effective at treating addiction issues. This is the most effective setting for treatment, where underlying problems, insecurities and conditions can be tackled head on. While the process can be a challenging one for the victims of addiction, the results justify the means in delivering drug-free lives. Those with drug problems need to avoid the circumstances that encourage their drug use, in addition to seeking more direct treatment for their underlying addiction. This can involve a process of self-exploration, with guidance, support and counseling from experienced drug support staff. Rehab centers are proving increasingly popular as a method for treating those with addiction problems. Drug courts in some territories are even now sentencing drug-related offenders to rehab treatment programs as an alternative to a penal sanction. Because rehabilitation programs have the ability to look holistically at the wellbeing of the addict, they stand a much better chance of being effective than a justice-based approach. The statistics show that a rehabilitative approach is less socially and personally damaging to addicts and their families, while achieving better treatment outcomes than jail-based treatment methods. As a result, those responsible are now leaning more frequently toward residential-based treatments as a more effective alternative.