Sacred Journey Therapy Sacred journey work invites you to quietly go deep within to your core of inner-knowing. Healing takes place on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. The client may choose to be fully clothed OR undressed and blanketed while lying on a padded treatment table.
During a session most people feel a deep sense of relaxation and peace. Each treatment session involves a loving space of comfort and safety. The work is subtle, gentle and holy.
As we learn to be present in each moment and quiet our thoughts, we will experience ourselves more deeply. As we accept ourselves on a deep level, we will feel a sense of connection with others, and will be better able to make the most of the little time we have on earth. The key phrase is “letting go”. In fact, letting go is the key to the spiritual path in general. Our journey is truly a Blessing.
Mary Myers Sacred Journey Therapist 503.550.2255