Starry Eyed
by Spyrit
The Mayan calendar, long acclaimed for its astonishing mathematical accuracy, is a lunar phase union. Only the powerful rhythm of day and night surpasses the powerful influence of the lunar pulse in our lives (though we don’t notice the lunar because it’s subtle).
What havoc the Virgo moon plays with computers! The end of winter brought in all that astral excitement with two blue moons a month apart, Saturn moving into Taurus, then Jupiter sliding into Aries. That certainly offered a full banquet of emotions.
We live in an age where timing and precision are paramount. Why 2K or not 2K, that is the question. Witness the explosion of divination products and services. (I was recently offered a fortune-telling cockroach in the Mission district of San Francisco—he said he’d sold five that day already!)
With all our digital and satellite methods for time tracking, we tend to overlook the basics. For instance, virtually all calendars of antiquity are lunar based. The Mayan calendar, long acclaimed for its astonishing mathematical accuracy, is a lunar phase union. Only the powerful rhythm of day and night surpasses the powerful influence of the lunar pulse in our lives (though we don’t notice the lunar because it’s subtle). Even the most rigorous anti-astro scientist will allow, in conversation, that the moon has an affect. Those tides betray the secret of the powers of luna, but they’re only the tip of the iceberg. Admittedly, one loses conversational validity when one begins with the ‘more tears are shed during cancer moons’ stuff. But that is for the initiated anyway.
The research that is being gathered to support planting by a zodiac timetable is a tantalizing area where astrology and new science are blending. And personally, I’d love a calendar with everyone’s new years on it to facilitate that daily feeling of renewal. It’s ultimately up to us to parse time into our own usable portions.
Why all this calendar and moon stuff? Well, the western zodiac lunar new year begins with the new moon in Aries, the first house of the zodiac, on April 15th. Thus begins the lunar new year. The lunar calendar may be the only calendar we all share, and there is nothing and no-one on the planet that is unaffected by her. For us Northern Hemisphere types, good news, it’s finally spring. For us Northwest types, it’s time to coax a few friends in from the ledge and cancel their prescriptions. Winter’s depression comes to an end. We’re in for warmth (if only warmer rain)!
The moon cycle was my entry into astrology and is the best way to become acquainted with the signs, their elements, and what influence and rhythm they hold in store for you. For about four dollars you can get the ‘pocket astrologer,’ a simple basic ephemeris and calendar for the year. It contains explanations for the different signs and aspects, much easier than reading a tide table or some recipe books. It’s the best way to take the intimidation out of the language and symbols of astrology, and it makes you more fun at parties! Getting beyond the signs and symbols is the biggest hurdle to becoming a student of astrology.
If the moon had to be a type of music, I think it would be jazz. She moves through all the signs in a lunar month cycle of about 27 and a half days. Spending approximately a day and a half in each sign, she can, during this cycle, move through all the comparable moods it takes the sun a full 365 days to accomplish.
If you don’t know your moon sign, there are various free chart sites on the internet. If you lack a computer, most libraries have free access. Or you could go to any coffee shop about 11:30 on a Sunday and scream, “I must know my moon sign!” You might get breakfast and a new friend out of it, plus find out your moon placement. We only have a few words here and the lore and meta-science of the moon are vast! Suffice it to say, in the burgeoning millennial madness, it’s a comforting way to keep track of things no matter what the computer clocks do.
Taurus is getting wound up this spring cycle. Saturn dove into Taurus on Feb 28th. That is the house of resources with the ultimate ruler of the physical plane. Watch it all unfold as each planet has its first aspect with Saturn fresh in this new sign. Each time the moon passes through Taurus this quarter (Apr. 16-18, May 14-16) will be an invitation to take stock. Remember, resources aren’t necessarily physical.
I’m loose on I-5. See you under a moon, or in a bookstore soon.
Stephen is a writer, performer and student of astrology. He recently released his latest, a Book/CD project “Love Poems for the Millennium.” Feel free to contact him by email.