Starry Eyed
by Spyrit
Just the specter of this calendrical event has given us good reason to take a fresh look. How do we respond? Head for the hills or put on the tails and kick it downtown?
Why to K or not to K, that is the question. Everyone keeps asking me about it, but listen, the chart doesn't jump out as a civilization killer. There is no way our transition into 2K can live up to hollywood expectations—it's like one of those over-rated action films with a great trailer. However, the millennium as a symbol of shifting paradigm can't be overrated. Ultimately, it’s less about how we mark time than how time has marked us.
Just the specter of this calendrical event has given us good reason to take a fresh look. How do we respond? Head for the hills or put on the tails and kick it downtown? Will hoarded water, freeze dried food and scrabble be all you need? If it all fell over tomorrow, would you be out there helping to stand it back up again or would you bask in the silence? And what if doings this winter go deeper than technology, to the core of who you are? What if it brings transformation on the level of sprouting wings and flaming energy out your fingers, would that freak you out too much? Would you end up flying flaming into a high-rise?
Tis the season of transformation, and I don’t mean the cute fresh butterflies-in-the-sunlit-meadow kind. This is the crawling kind, like a caterpillar into a dark cocoon, the cave of mortality, not knowing if this is your last sleep or a dream you wake from as a new being . . . You can't elude winter and the death metaphor.
What kind of graves are you tending? Do you dance with the dead or try to forget where they’re buried? Trust this—you may forget a grave, but it will never forget you. This millennial winter, how about throwing a party for the dead ‘you,’ the dead ‘thems,’ the dead ‘coulda,’ the dead ‘woulda,’ and don't forget ‘shoulda.’ Make sure you’re the only one invited, show some class and R.S.V.P. yourself. It’s the symbolic opportunity this winter season proffers. Even if only a little hits the fan, we could have plenty of quality quiet time. I'm hoping for it. Just clear some house and contrive the voodoo dance that pulls it off.
Seasonal depression be damned, the moment is here, decorate your cave/cocoon and move in. If your operating system doesn't go down and offer you a respite in January, take it anyway. This will be a record post holiday emotional crash, get out the pillows.
We start winter on the night before a full moon, a cancer full moon, it doesn’t get any fuller. It signals a charged winter season to be sure. We will go through an eclipse starting with the lunar on Jan 20. Start watching just before 8pm PST. Totality is at 8:40. It pairs the sun in Aquarius with the moon in Leo. (detached analysis dancing with explosive heartfelt subjectivity). Neptune and Uranus are the chaperones hanging in Aquarius also.
How do we internalize working for the greater good? How deep have the ideals we extol and identify with sunk in? Can we soak them up more?
The cycle completes itself with the partial solar eclipse Feb 5 here at 16 degrees Aquarius. This is right on top of the August eclipse point. Try the Mad Max scenario for a few days, it might be helpful during this cycle just to see what it brings out in us. Then imagine everything and everyone you know as a new experience, so strange, it’s intimidating. Imagine getting through it and being more vibrant than you could have ever believed.
Saturn turns direct on Jan 12, Jupiter joins the fun in Taurus on Feb 15. This is all prep for the stellium (seven placements) in the spring, a huge once-in-a-generation chart. The set-up builds slowly, here in winter’s quietude. Jupiter and Saturn, (expansion and contraction) are preparing to hold a party in the house of resource. These two will be conjunct months from now, but the dialogue begins here.
By February, you may wish that the computer crash did happen. Then you wouldn't have to take control and make these big changes all by yourself. You can set the agenda for this meeting by digging deep now. Just clean off the spade and put your boots into it. You never know, you could strike the personal equivalent of oil deep in the soul strata.
We all know it’s not even really 2000, and Jesus was born in the spring, but still I’ll miss the anticipation of Y2K. It was a time when you could get almost anyone to play ‘what if’ with you. Just think about it—even the most outlandish transformation has virtually arrived when it’s gotten to the ‘what if’ stage.
Stephen is a writer, performer and student of astrology: